I absolutely love travel!!

I am so blessed that my parents packed my younger brother & I in a little Honda Fit & road tripped all around the U.S. By age 20, I'd been to all 50 states-woot woot! National Parks were our family's jam (I've been to 50 of those too). So was tenting. We could literally unpack all the tent gear & stuff from our car top carrier & get it set up-w/ sleeping bag beds made-in under 7 minutes. Yep we timed it. Basically my fam rocks & I am oh so blessed to have them & our traveling memories/experiences! We also would do mission trips to Kenya & Uganda every other summer since I was 10. Totally life changing! Then the summer after I graduated high school, we all went to Africa like we normally do, but this time I didn't fly home with my family. I stayed for an additional 9 months & volunteered at a Babies Home in Uganda. Absolutely amazing! I've been traveling around ever since & have done seasonal work in 2 National Parks.

So you could say I was bit with the travel bug at a very young age. And that bug is here to stay!!

Do you have the travel bug? Because same!!

Let's do something about that!

If you choose to have any session at any of the locations below, I will give you a major discount on your package!! :)

Want to adventure to a stunning location & snap some amazing photos there? I'm so down! Hit the photo below & let's plan it all out!